Most people are not too happy to learn that they are prone to acne. Acne can be the cause of much frustration and embarrassment, but arming yourself with the proper information can help you clear up your skin. The following tips should help you to manage the skin condition.

Tea tree oil can help you control your problem skin. This oil is natural and can reduce oil buildup that causes acne, without harshly drying out the skin like other treatments.

Resist temptation! Avoid picking at your pimples and do not pop them. Turn to treatment creams instead. Picking at acne can result in your broken skin becoming infected or leaving scars when it heals. Your skin can become discolored for years after it has been picked at.

One important method for protection against acne is not picking at your pimples. When you pick at your pimples, bacteria moves around, causing more acne. Repeatedly agitating affected skin could cause scarring.

Chamomile is very efficient against acne. You can reduce swelling and redness from acne by using a cool tea bag on the affected area.

Drinks, such as soft drinks, coffee and tea may contain caffeine that can aggravate acne and make it worse. By reducing your caffeine intake, you may be able to limit breakouts.

Never combine acne medications. Sometimes people are so desperate to get rid of their acne that they use multiple lotions at once. Using too much cream can easily have the opposite effect, since they contain harsh chemicals that aren't good for your skin in large amounts.

If nothing else seems to be working for you, try switching to a natural skin care product regimen. Many store-bought products contain harsh chemicals that may exasperate your skin problems. This can lead to blocked pores, one cause of acne. There are a lot of great natural methods you can use to treat acne.

Garlic is a natural antioxidant that can help your body in numerous ways including your skin. Garlic works to remove toxins in your system and enables more efficient growth of new skin. Garlic can be added to many things. For a treat spread garlic butter on a thick slice of bread and toast in the oven.

It sounds crazy, but do you believe that using a cellphone can cause acne breakouts? The oil from your face and hair is picked up by cell phones and transmitted back to them. You may clean your phone with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol to remove these oils. Be sure not to allow the telephone to touch your face as you chat.

Stress and the pressures of life are often times the cause of acne. Give yourself some time everyday to unwind and relax. Engaging in relaxing stress-free activities can be of tremendous help in getting acne under control. Limit your intake of caffeine and avoid cigarette smoke whenever possible.

Do some research and you will be much more likely to know how to treat your blemishes. If you are properly educated on acne and all of the treatment options available, you will be able to make intelligent skin care choices.

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    July 2013

